Saturday, August 1, 2009

Crested Butte

We arrived safe and sound in Crested Butte and got all set up. I took some cool pictures of the landscape we drove through. But, I forgot the cable to the camera so I'll have to wait until we get home to upload. Weather forecast good for today! Yeah!


  1. Crested Butte is really lovely.

    You'd not posted for awhile and I wandered off into my lala land and came back today to find lots of posts !!!!!!

    I hope the shows will treat you well.

  2. We were so happy to see you in Crested Butte. After so many years, decades, it was great to see you and Rees on your amazing journey. If it wasn't for Dave, I never would have had the good fortune to meet you both. Your work is truly captivating! Keep in touch.


If you've got a comment or a question, let me know, I'd love to hear from you.