Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Music From Angel Fire

2 of Ida's dogs
(Ida Kavafian, artist director and "fiddle" player, leading one of the doggy hikes--she also raises champion vizslas!)

I know. I've not been posting. And, I promise I will get better. But the reality is that it is pretty unlikely for the next week. Currently, the Music From Angel Fire chamber music festival is taking place in Angel (and some surrounding towns). And, it makes for a very busy time. Between going to many of the concerts and getting in some studio time, we've had out of town visitors, catching up to do with some of the musicians, an almost daily hike with musicians and friends, a golf tourney, friends over for dinner, etc. I'm sure I couldn't keep this pace for any length of time. 2 1/2 weeks of the festival is plenty!

What amazes me most about this festival is that it takes place here. We are a pretty little place but really not on the map, so to speak. Then we get the MOST amazing musicians who come and participate in the festival. They are an inspiration to pursue excellence in whatever field you work in! I thank them for being here.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Lost Church

This church was one of the first ones I ever painted. It was the basis for my first Collector's Guide ad. And this is the only photo I have of it. And I can't find it. Twice this summer, Rees & I have driven out of our way to look for it so I could get more images to work from. Nope. Not there. Nada. It used to be located near the Los Pinos river. To get there, you go into Colorado near Antonito and turn left onto a dirt road that tracks back into New Mexico. But the church is gone. I never got the name of it and I don't know the name of the farming village that it was located in. And I don't know how to go about finding it. Maybe I'll take my lame-o photo--heavily laden with oil pastel smudges on the back and fixative on the front--and show it to someone at a nearby church. Maybe they'll be able to tell me what happened to it. Or, maybe someone who reads my occasional posts might have a better idea. Sure wish I could find it!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Crested Butte!

Crested Butte has the most amazing flowers of any mountain town I've ever been in!
This planter was behind my booth.
The crowds were enthusiastic and plentiful.
And how beautiful a venue for a show!
A corner of my wonky booth. It doesn't always pay to set up in the rain. The experience brought new meaning to the title "A River Runs Through It".