So it turns out that the thing-a-ma-jig that connects the camera to the computer wasn't totally plugged in. That's why picasa didn't recognize the "H" drive. Anyway, I'm thrilled to report that the techno demons aren't hounding me any more. At least not for a while. Or at least not those demons. I still can't figure out how to add more info on the left column of my blog--like the blogs I'm following and stuff like that. Eventually I'll figure that out too (I HOPE.)
I finished this piece a couple of days ago and am pleased with the peacefulness of the piece. Today was a busy one but I didn't get any painting done. I started framing for my Scottsdale show. Rees got all the postcards for that show printed and labeled and stamped(I put on the address labels--it helps me remember customers' names.) So those are out and on their way. And I got a frame order delivered so I got most of those put up. And had Rees make a bunch of frames.
The Scottsdale Center for the Arts puts on a great show every March. I've been lucky enough to participate in it for the last 7 years. I was thrilled to find out that I'm back in my regular spot, near the Old Town gate to the show. And we haven't done a show since October so I'm getting a bit antsy to get out of Dodge. Rees hotwired and got a great deal on the on-site hotel--The Mondrian--which is, oh, so convenient. And the food options are pretty darn good in Scottsdale so I'm looking forward to that. I do wish we'd already cleaned out and organized the van as we are getting more snow. It will make for a messy load-up--read MUD.
One bit of trouble I'll have is that I have been painting up a storm and have way more art than I can bring/display at the show. So, I'll have to make some decisions about what to bring. Probably a li'l bit of everything. I was accepted into the show in 2 categories so I'll want to bring a bunch of my mixed media panels along with all my oil pastels. It looks like the weather will be cooperative this year. MY spring break! (It is almost always nice for this show--only once, a couple of years ago, when Phoenix hadn't had rain in 141 days did it rain and rain on Saturday (and even snowed up in Carefree.) Living in a drought state I totally got how excited the locals were for the rain. After Scottsdale, things heat up as we head to Texas for a few shows shortly after our return from Scottsdale.
And as for my hair, it actually didn't look too bad today when I did it. But the pictures from yesterday of the new do were too ugly to post. Oh, well. Happy Friday the 13th. Again!
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