On another note, I want to apologize to the facebook people who I have been remiss about responding to. I really am trying to get with the program and push myself (admittedly kicking and screaming) into the 21st century. But it is a lot to ask of a scatterbrained artist. I'll try to check in more regularly. I did feel better reading in The Week that the largest growing segment of the market using facebook is the 34 to 50 year olds. That includes me. So I'm not so far behind the 8 ball. But my dear niece Kate invited me to twitter and I signed up and never did anything after that. I guesss I'm still clueless about how all this interacting allows a person to get anything done. I'll work on both the twittering deal and developing a facebook profile when I get a little more time. Promise.
Jennifer, it is true that a lot of the new faces on facebook are "older". I have been amazed at how many people i know on fb. I use it to promote my art a bit, I do all my art selling online so everything I can do to make myself seen is helpful.