Monday, July 4, 2011

Color Choice

In much of my life, I am a planner.  I make  zillions of over-achieving to-do lists.  I like to know my hotel plans have been made for shows months in advance.  I like to know what my schedule is.  And, while getting on some waiting lists for shows--Belleville, Cherry Creek & Old Town--means I am almost there, it reeks havoc with this planning sensibility I have.  But when it comes to painting, I prefer to let the paintings make the decisions.  Too much preplanning equals static art.  I think. So, while the underlying substrate color dictates a few colors I will use, I prefer to work through the piece with no preconceived notions of what colors will be in use.  I think the art is better for that.  Do you?  


  1. Yes, I am with you on colors. When I have begun with a color concept and poured my skies often what the paint does changes my entire direction. Days become nights and nights days. I love working with totally new subjects because I like the journey they lead me on.

  2. Saw your booth at the Abq show just as someone was carting out her purchase. Hope the show went well for you.

    I don't do much planning when it comes to art.


If you've got a comment or a question, let me know, I'd love to hear from you.