I make a living selling my art. But, I don't just paint. And I even have the fortunate situation where my husband does a lot of the other work--like websites, framing, accounting, taxes, hotel reservations, driving, cooking (not so much on the cleaning.) So, even though this was a really great painting day (maybe payback for my wimpy day yesterday), I did some other chores. I got my canopy out and sewed up a rip in the zipper (dental floss comes in handy for things besides teeth) and patched a hole, I prepped a couple of panels, verified some titles for the website update (coming soon!), I spray varnished all the panels from the last 2 weeks since it was nice out and the varnish wouldn't milk-out (which it does when you spray it in temperatures under 40 degrees). I ordered frames from 2 different suppliers, got a customer number from another frame company who requires a lot of info before they even let you see their prices (but the prices are good! so it was worth filling out the form). I found out about a mistake in an advertising bill (they were wrong and I was right!) and found the sales rep for a different type of ad I want to place. I spoke with my customer who bought my Southwest Art ad piece from this month--he's happy with his new piece. But, he needed a different type of receipt for his insurance. Rees got that in the mail today. I pulled some more panels I want Rees to sand for me. I still have to place an order with one of my art supply stores--but that is online so I can do it in the evening. So, you see, as much as I would like to paint all day, sometimes there are just other tidbits to take care of. Like any job.