It is that time of year--cold, crisp night (especially when I forgot to close one of the windows!) and warm beautiful days. The leaves are changing--but slowly this year. We'll probably miss a lot of the color when we head down to Dallas for the Cottonwood Art show this next weekend. Oh, well. I'm actually looking forward to the show (and my visit with Rees' sister, Laird.)
In the meantime, I'm trying to get the house ready for the approach of winter but really just looking for excuses to be outside. I've got some pieces to frame for the upcoming show and a few to get ready to ship out!
Yesterday, I played hooky some of the day and Rees and Bug and I took a 6 or so mile walk over to the Lady Slipper trail. Bug got a chance to swim and was one tired pooch by evening.
Then I had some studio visitors--Barbara Courtney & her friend, Kay Hable. They found a few things they couldn't live without! Pics above are of me with them.
Maybe, more importantly, today is my grandma Evie's 96th birthday! She's a most remarkable woman. The family, sans me & Rees, will be celebrating at my brother Marc's house later today. Have fun everyone! We'll be there in spirit!!!
We too are preparing for winter but finding myself mostly wanting be outside with the beautiful weather recently. Good luck in Dallas!