The above piece is not the first of the panels I have colored in but I think it worked pretty well. I may fuzz up the roof a little once it is drier but I don't want to muddy any colors. Which, by the way, is a much easier thing to do with oils than with oil pastels.

These 3 are 5 by 7s that I finished the other day. I'm still shy about posting them but since I haven't let too many people know about the blog yet I figure that is okay. I should just post and go forward. So I am.

In preparation for the nephews' arrival--they plan to make some art with me in addition to ski-ing up a storm-- I vacuumed the studio this afternoon and cleaned off the framing bar. It looked so nice I thought I ought to capture it for posterity.
Otherwise, I finished a few more of the oils and will post as time allows. Tomorrow we're off to Santa Fe to replenish the larder. Today we had our friends, Olive and Josie, over for some of the day. Olive is a 2 year old black lab and Josie is who knows how old and a white -ish lab, when she isn't covered in mud. Our friend, Bill, was going to Albuquerque today so we watched them. He'll take Bug tomorrow. Only he got home a whole lot earlier than expected because a TREE fell on his moving truck--yep. On his moving truck. It broke the radiator. Can you be lucky when a tree falls on your truck? Because he didn't get hurt, which is the most important thing. I guess it is all relative.
I just love all the pics you have been posting! Of course, I pretty much always like your stuff. If we ever have anough money to buy one of your paintings it is going to be gone immediately!