This is one of the reasons we have decided to come home after Crested Butte, for the meager 2 days. The damp rainy monsoonal weather has made the studio a tad more humid and the panels I have prepared aren't quite dry. I'm disappointed they can't all come to Crested Butte with me, but am excited to know they will be ready for the Sun Valley show. The pictures above are based on the red Sun Valley barn. I didn't know if it was better depicted with flash or without so you get both! It is a large 30 inch cradled board. My hand was a little cramped after smooshing in all the stars but it is better this morning.
I'm not sure about internet access at our "lodge" in Crested Butte--read aging hotel facility in resort town, which I'm sure will be similar to the one in Ruidoso (where our sink totally fell apart while we were at the show and at check-out they tried to charge us for breaking it!!!) I'll post if there is access, otherwise, dear readers, it won'tb e until Monday! Have a great weekend!